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Unlocking Rewards

The Pathway to Enhanced Satisfaction and Success

Cycle Reward Per Week Duration Total Rewards
1st $1 12 Week $12
2nd $2 12 Week $24
3rd $4 12 Week $48
4th $8 12 Week $96
5th $16 12 Week $192
6th $32 12 Week $384
7th $64 12 Week $768
8th $128 12 Week $1536
9th $256 12 Week $3072
10th $512 12 Week $6144
11th $1024 12 Week $12,288
12th $2048 12 Week $24,576
Total $49,140

Unlocking Rewards

The Pathway to Enhanced Satisfaction and Success

Cycle Reward Per Week Duration Total Rewards
1st $0.5 200 weeks $100
Total $100

Partnering for Success

Building Strong Collaborative Relationships

Leads Rewards Leads Rewards Leads Rewards
10 $100 100 $1000 1000 $10,000
Total $100 $1000 $10,000